Who has time during the day to prepare something that will give them energy, make smart decisions and prevent the hangry monster from hitting two...

How to trick yourself into eating healthy.
Do you succumb to the chips, cookies and late-night binges?
Do you make excuses every time you do it?
Combine science and behavior change to set you up for success for eating healthy.
Eating dessert first
Do you start your day by checking your email?Do you spend all morning picking the low hanging fruit, only to get to the afternoon and not have the...
Huatulco Health and Productivity Intensive Retreat
January 31 – February 14, I spent two glorious weeks on a working vacation as a client intensive retreat in Huatulco, Mexico. Some people may think that is an oxymoron, but it worked well for me, my business didn’t suffer, I made money and had a ton of time for playing. I was at the Secrets Resort, which is gorgeous. The town is only 10,000 people so it isn’t touristy yet and is safe to visit and walk around.
Productivity is Served
Do you think of your focus, concentration, energy and productivity when you're reaching for that snack or placing an order? This infographic aligns...
A Virtual Assistant’s Review of Beyond Travel
Guest post by Rea Mae Donato Working at home seems to be easy work when you first hear about it. Yeah, it truly is! I don’t have to wake up early,...
Don’t eat the Meh
Do you push back from the table and think “Why did I eat that? Do you vow to be in control at the next party? Don’t eat the Meh.
I can’t move today. My butt has amnesia.
Did you know your morning spinning class or afternoon run isn’t enough to prevent glute amnesia?
Did you know that your butt has the capacity to forget how to fire?
GAP – Glute Amnesia Prevention!
Are you maximizing your break time?
How often do you take break time at work?
What are you doing when you take them?
Check out this cool infographic on Break Room Hacks for Workplace Productivity.