#BedTalk #6 Walking backward to move forward

by | Bed Talks, Health, Motivation, Productivity

Walking backward to move forward

Do you feel like lately you've been walking backward and not going anywhere or are falling behind?

I was excited to get the latest book from Jeff Nischwitz, Just One Step: Walking Backwards to the Present on the Camino Trail

Jeff literally walked backward during his epic journey because it was too painful to walk forward. I've also experienced the same thing after a marathon, where walking backward eased the pain I was in. Even though we couldn't see where we were going, we were still forging ahead whether the outcome was the end of an epic trail or the bottom of my stairs.

It might seem like lately you've been moving backward, but flip that switch. Is there a growth opportunity out of it that is actually propelling you forward? Maybe not now, but in the future?

Stay to the end, where you see my current book of choice, the fluff one sometimes has to read in the midst of a pandemic!

The #BedTalkChallenge was created by David Rendall.

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