Underwear Workouts!

by | Health, Travel

Underwear Workouts

Underwear workouts? Did that get your attention?  I’m not talking about bed business kind of workouts. I’m talking about actual exercise in your unders.  I often hear from people who travel that they don’t want to take up any space in their luggage by packing exercise clothes, shoes or equipment.

I can empathize with wanting to pack lightly; however, you don’t need all those things all the time.  I almost always pack exercise clothes, shoes, and equipment, but sometimes I have forgotten, or I have been in a hotel with no gym or even a family or friend’s home with no space to exercise, and it is freezing rain outside.

What to do? If you are staying in your room, you only need your underwear and a sports bra if you are a female. Use the hotel towel as your mat; you have everything you need for a bodyweight workout.  If you think it’s necessary to have heavy dumbbells or a Smith Machine to get your sweat on, do a simple YouTube search, and you'll find some intense HIIT workouts that you can do in a small space. If you want resistance, travel with resistance bands from Rubberbanditz.

No excuses.  If you wear underwear, you can exercise.

And if you don’t…please make use of that hotel towel, and don’t forget to close the curtains 🙂

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