Save Time and Energy with These Productivity-Boosting Chrome Extensions

by | Productivity


How often does your daily to-do list get derailed? You might be cruising along on a project and suddenly a bump in the road interrupts your productivity and your time management. It happens, but there are tools, called internet extensions, to help smooth out those bumps and get you back on the road to an efficient, effective day.

Extensions for Google Chrome, for example, can perform a variety of tasks automatically. That means you don’t have to stop what you’re doing and reboot. Take those ever-present to-do lists: The Dayboard extension gives you both a history of completed items and a daily task list of five things. If you’re a social media devotee, then the Buffer extension helps you with your platform scheduling as well as gives you insights onto posts that work—and those that don’t. If you use Trello for your project management system, the email tool Drag will feel natural and help control your inbox.

I use Be Limitless and write a reminder each day of what I want to focus on. While in Huatulco, Mexico for my Luxury Intensive with clients, I had a message to Be Intentional.  I didn't want to waste one second doing busy work and had an intention and time limit every time I looked at any device.

Want to learn more about the power of extensions, and which ones offer easy workday solutions? This graphic can help.

Posted by:
Kaylee White
Ghergich & Co.

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