Rockin’ Your Beautiful: Health & Style Hacks for the Mobile Professional – Spreecast Edition!

by | Health, Travel

rockin your beautiful

Do you stare at your closet every morning and end up wearing the same ol' boring outfit combo with the same ol' jewelry?

Do you let yourself get so hungry that you become angry = Hangry?

 Do you think there isn't room for both a kick-ass outfit AND exercise clothes in your luggage?

What if we told you that wearing stuff you feel ‘meh' about is actually keeping your energy low and even repelling potential clients?

What you wear, how you look and how you feel doesn't have to be complicated or take a lot of time.

Back by popular demand, live via Spreecast, The Technicolor Priestess and I will be handing out some virtual goodies to help you Rock Your Beautiful on July 1!


I cringe when I see an adult in pajamas at the airport. Sometimes it makes me even want to fight them. Yeah, I'm talkin' to you 30 y/o lady walking around in flannel pants, fuzzy slippers and a pillow. You aren't cute. You are sad. And you could be rockin' your stuff AND be comfortable AND have people looking at you (because really, you wouldn't be dressed like that if you didn't want people to be looking at you) because you look awesome and feel awesome.

Change your attitude, change your life and Rock Your Beautiful by signing up below. Its FREE!!

No excuses for your frayed yoga pants with crackers crumbs. 

July 1, 12:00pm EST

Can't make it? Sign up now to get the free recording after the call!

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“Your Weekender Snapshot and Tim Ferriss’s Five Bullet Friday are my favorite emails I receive.”

jim west

Principal and Managing Director, GFF Architects


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