Health-Powered Productivity Podcast

by | Health, Productivity

Health-powered productivity podcast
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Want to know how to conquer your calendar, manage your inbox, overcome team burnout, and escalate your energy…but don't have time to read and research?

Searching for some bite-sized nuggets of primo knowledge to help you declutter your mind, body, and life….one habit at a time? Subscribe to our new Health-Powered Productivity Podcast launching June 23!

People have asked me why I don't have a podcast, and folks, it's a lot of work. There are over two million podcasts and over 48 million episodes. That's a lot of competition and noise in a space that can take years…if ever…to see a return on investment. 

Since time is money and I'm all about time, I wanted to make sure that what I was doing would:

  1. add value to the people listening 
  2. not cost me more in time or efficiencies with my team than I would be getting back in building my business (because it is, after all, a business).
Podcast Cover

Podcast: a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

Health-Powered Productivity by RaderCo is not a typical interview-type podcast. Health-Powered Productivity will be our recorded blog posts with some extra goodies, tips, and comments thrown in. 

This medium allows me to reach more people, especially those who don't like to read or find it hard to find time and prefer to background task to get their information.

You may already be drowning in information and feel like you can't learn, listen, or read it all. I got you! Episodes will be short at two to fifteen minutes. We'll post twice a week for you to easily listen and fit into your day -while you're on your commute, making dinner, or brushing your teeth. 

Episodes will cover:

productivity, distraction, team burnout, overwhelm, movement, energy management, rituals, and physical/mental/digital clutter.

Healthy, sustainable habits for you to incorporate into your life (cutting your coffee with Teeccino).

Practical, tailored tools for you to implement immediately (using Alexa to keep you from getting distracted with your phone).

Ideas for leading your next team meeting (using Loom to provide context).

As with everything in business, this is an experiment. If we find that we're not getting the feedback we want, or it's not fun (can't imagine), then we'll hang it up at the end of the year. If you discover that you enjoy a quick, bite-sized burst of productivity while you're getting ready in the morning or before your next team interaction, be sure to let us know, and we'll keep it coming!

Caught in the app

What's next?

July 16 is the 8th anniversary of the newly rebranded RaderCo (WOOT WOOT!). We're launching as a lead-in to special promotions to our community list that week.

We'll be launching on several channels with three episodes right away. Check it out, subscribe, and write a reviewReallyplease subscribe and give us your feedback. The only way we will ever hope to show up in searches and have people know about us is by your lovely reviews and kind subscriptions. #ThankYouInAdvance

Dedicate just a few minutes a week and start revitalizing your productivity or the health of your team members.

Download, listen, learn, and grow with Health-Powered Productivity by RaderCo!

Want actionable, health-powered productivity tips in less than 15 minutes?
check out our podcast!


“Your Weekender Snapshot and Tim Ferriss’s Five Bullet Friday are my favorite emails I receive.”

jim west

Principal and Managing Director, GFF Architects


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