Why Eating Clean Can Boost Job Performance

by | Guest Post, Health

Eating Clean
 What's this eating clean thing all about? We all have certain goals at work. Maybe you want to knock a presentation out of the park. Or perhaps you want to score a big new client. Or you might just want to get through the day and feel better about work—mentally, physically, emotionally.

Guess what? There’s a way to do that and it might not have anything to do with what happens at work, but more to do with the choices you’re making before, during, and after the workday—your food. If you fuel your day with a whole bunch of processed, empty calories, you’ll feel it and so will your job performance.

The thing about eating better is that it doesn’t have to be complicated. Clean eating can boost your job performance, give you more energy and help your focus. There are no rigorous manuals to follow and no weird eating habits you have to adopt. It’s pretty simple, and this graphic gives you some ideas to think about.

Eating Clean Help you excel in your careerThis is a guest post by Jessica Pyykkonen, Promotions Coordinator for Ghergich & Co.

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